Wednesday, May 25, 2011

What I'm Loving Wednesday!

It's Wednesday! I don't have a button for it and I didn't link with anybody but I'm doing WILW anyways!

1. I'm loving that the sun is finally coming out! It rained every freaking day last week and it's rained every night this week. We are all so sick of the rain- and finally we get some sun!

2. I'm loving my new job at the office! I'm working weekends (tours and events) for a local parks and rec- and 4 days in the office for them as well. Yesterday was my first day and my brain was FRIED. I learned so much yesterday and I'm really getting the hang of things. I'm thinking I need some cute office supplies for my desk soon!

3. I'm loving that I ordered Jimmy Johns for lunch! I haven't gone grocery shopping in....a while and I think I basically have Naked juice and beer in my fridge haha. Obviously I need to start packing my lunch...but JJ is so close and so delicious.

4. I'm loving that I finally feel like I can just be ME! I'm so happy with myself body, my personality, my work, my accomplishments. I heard a quote that said- Happiness is when what you think, what you say and what you do are in harmony. I finally feel like I'm there. Thank God!

5. I'm loving that I get to blog during work when my boss steps out of the office. Winning!

So-- what are you loving?! Tell me!

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